I.D.E.A.! TOGETHER WE CAN! – Individual with Disabilities Education Aim: Together we can! – (KA229 2018-1-SI01-KA229-047001_1)
1.9.2018 – 31.8.2021
Blog: https://ideatogetherwecan.blogspot.com/
webpage: http://ideatogetherwecanproject.com/
twinspace: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/70592/pages/page/429967
Partners: Slovenia-Ptuj main coordinator, Croatia-Zagreb, Italy-Montorio Romano, Poland – Bytom, Portugal – Aver o Mar, Turkey – Istanbul
Special Needs Education is not as developed as it should be in most European countries. Schools for SEN students provide limited opportunities compared to mainstream schools when it comes to special needs education, European/ International environment and living their lives to the fullest. Furthermore, any relevant extracurricular activities are directly connected to the personnel’s expertise and not generally implemented nationally or in a European level. We came to the conclusion that the sharing of good practices, used by the involved schools, was bring the stakeholder countries to open a discussion on the efficacy of inclusion considering the strengths and the weaknesses,pros and cons of the different school systems. Any relevant extracurricular activities are directly connected to the personnel’s expertise and not generally implemented nationally or in a European level.The long term goal is to create life opportunities for students with special needs, at first within a school context and later within a social context as European citizens. Therefore, the need for innovative projects was relevant and necessary.
The desire for a project with partners that come from special schools and mainstream schools with the inclusion of SEN students was the main reason for the establishment of this partnership. The partnership will be formed by 6 countries: Slovenia, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Portugal and Italy. All participating schools provide education to students with Special Needs, aged from 3 to 20 years old, (of a varied diagnosis). The different school profiles, providing different points of view, represent a source of richness as we have probably common difficulties in our work, common ambition to provide the best to our students and common willingness to enrich our professional competences with
innovative educational methods.
The combination of the different curriculum and the methodology that each school applies, will provide new teaching skills to be implemented in other schools or institutions.
The detailed activities, that we have carefully planned, are of graduated difficulty, and they aim to give opportunities to all participating pupils and meet their interests. The students will be given the chance to be aware of their self-efficacy and to strengthen their competences and to optimize their motivation. The activities will be carried out through the use of : information technology, multiple means of action and expression in a second European language. Teachers will use cooperative groups approaches to
enhance positive and social skills and strategies such as : cooperative learning, tutoring, peer teaching, scaffolding, etc.
This shared knowledge and best practice exchange will increase pupils’ skills such as Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking and Creativity. It will strengthen their knowledge and understanding of their role and identity as European Citizens. We trust that this project will be a step forward in their development concerning all aspects of life (school, family, social, personal life).
We hope that “I.D.E.A.! TOGETHER WE CAN!” will offer the opportunity to our teachers to learn about other cultures and develop personal relations with other teachers from Europe. We believe that we will be given the opportunity to widen our professional horizons as teachers for students with special needs.
Each participating member worked on the project in the class, with small students groups, but also in extracurricular activities. The organization of events in special occasions with students and parents enhanced the implementation of our objectives at home and in the community.
Finally, the project benefited the students, the teachers ,the whole staff of each school and the community. School staff met new teaching methods, tools, pedagogical approaches to learn and apply, while the community arise opportunities to fight against discrimination for the promotion of the social inclusion and integration of SEN population.
DRAFT Report Form
ACTIVE CHILDREN FOR A BETTER LIVE (KA229 2019-1-BG01-KA229-062248_4)
1.9.2019 – 31.5.2022
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/344133944183187
Blog: https://activechildrenforabetterlive.blogspot.com/
Partners: Bulgaria-Shumen – main coordinator; Portugal-Alpendorada e Matos; Slovenia-Ptuj; Spain-San Fernando; Romania-Bucuresti
The main participants in the project are the children and their teachers. Children as a subject of learning and teachers as mentors, friends who guide and support planning. A parent-child relationship will be based on friendship and trust. The pedagogue will encourage, plan, motivate and organize children, and they will be the main interactive players in lessons and activities. Parents will be an important part of this line – all their activities, especially those in the open, will be realized. Very important is the support of local authorities and the media that will make it create a positive attitude in the community. Important for this project are museum workers, environmentalists, historians, university lecturers, social workers, ethnographers and others who could help activities so they are more interesting, useful, attractive, entertaining and challenging. The main role of teachers will be to plan, motivate and shake the children for all activities. Interactive lessons and outdoor lessons will be primarily their concern as organizing and planning pedagogical goals and tasks to improve skills and competencies. Children will be the main actor who will give him the freedom to seek and discover, create, give ideas, and plan (as an element of very basic social entrepreneurship). They will learn to meet the challenges and deal with them. Experience will help them cope better with learning materials and with the difficulties in life. Qualities such as trust, self-confidence, teamwork, respect and tolerance are the foundation of good social competencies. Parents will be supported, encouraged, motivated, committed to their knowledge, intelligence and experience in various activities. Local authorities and the media will reflect the activities, thus creating an interest in the topic in the regional communities. Modular field specialists will be important with their competence and ability to better communicate their children’s knowledge. Interaction of all will create a worried regional community and common products – a European family working for the benefit of children.
The participating children in the project are aged between 5 and 9 (kindergarten and elementary school). There are also scheduled on-line meetings during which they communicate and present themselves directly. Each partner will include additional hours with part of the planned activities attended by all students. Kindergartens will include the largest primary schools aged 5-7 for children aged 6 to 8. Slovenian school is for SEN children and will work with 11 – 15 years old childen.
Participating teachers will be volunteering, but an internal selection procedure will be held for mobility in institutions with a cover letter.
GET TO KNOW US – Erasmus+ (KA229 2020-1-UK01-KA229-079126)
1.9.2020 – 31.8.2023
Twinspace: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/140903/home
Blog: https://gettoknowus2020.blogspot.com/
Web page: http://erasmusgettoknowus.weebly.com/
Partners: North Ireland/UK -Newtownabbey main coordinator, Austria-Vienna, Croatia – Varaždin, Germany-Heide, Ireland-Galway, Slovenia-Ptuj
This project bring together 6 Special Schools from EU all with a slightly different area of focus and expertise but all school are aware of the social isolation of their pupils. Our project aims to tackle this issue and enable our pupils to play a more productive and involved role in our European society. Our efforts aim to ensure we raise skill levels of these vulnerable students and have a direct and life long impact on the connectivity with society in general.
Our key objective is to improve the social inclusion of our pupils through a range of apporaches, up skill students competencies (through staff training) enabling them to communicate more effectively within school, across schools and with society in general. These skills will lessen their social isolation and enable them to connect better with everyday life. We have devised a varied and interesting range of training and activities to raise skill levels and challenge all. The development of higher level literacy and numeracy skills are important components of this. Our objectives also include improving key competencies and skills, lessening social disadvantage and breaking down the barriers of disability.
Securing these objectives will improve the life opportunities of our students and offered staff a professional development program demonstrating the benefits of life long learning and the real benefits of sharing skills and expertise.
The numbers of students in our 6 Special Schools vary from 100+ in the largest to approximately 60 in one other, all of the profiles show similarities in that their learning is significantly delayed, our students are in need to much higher levels of support than their mainstream counterparts.
The activities selected for training are directly related to improving student skills and competencies in the areas of communication enabling students to get to know each other better eg social skill training. The activities and training sessions
are designed to be varied and responsive to changing times and enable students to link with others safely and to engage with society at a higher level. They are also designed to be suitable for special school pupils and crate an enthusiasm for
this topic so it is seen as an enjoyable learning activities
All activities have already been discussed across the group and the methodologies selected have been tried and trusted in our schools and have a high success rate with our students, At times it is multi sensory, at other times it may be interactive or direct teaching. The methodology depends on the area of focus. It is also varied and engaging, the drama and dance is an innovative and enjoyable means for students to increase their expressive skills, whilst the e-safety/ICT training is at the level staff and students will find interesting and enjoyable. All programs will be tailored and modified to meet the needs of individual classes, pupils and staff.
For a project to be worthwhile it must have a benefit and we need to gauge very carefully have effective our efforts have been. We will gauge the impact through evaluations and surveys of both staff and students and parents, we aim to raise
The abilities of students to get to know each other in a number of areas, within their own classrooms, across their own school and between the partner schools, results will be posted on our website and agreements will be established in regard to the gathering of evaluations and surveys.
Potential long term benefits,
For our project to have been successful we need to up skill students in the process of “Get to know me”, this will include people places and many aspects of our European society. the longer term benefits will be students who have improved key competencies and skills and lesser social isolation. We hope to share our project and its findings at a local and regional level and also across wider educational gateways. Life long learning is an important aspect for both student and staff and our project aims to have a longer term impact as we
realize the benefits of sharing skills and expertise throughout our life journey.
BE MY FRIEND. I AM JUST LIKE YOU (KA 201 – 2020-1-BG01-KA201-079139)
1.10.2020 – 30.9.2022
Webpage: https://www.be-my-friend.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bemyfriendErasmusPlus/?ref=page_internal
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a range of conditions characterised by some degree of impaired social behaviour, communication and language, and a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.
According to the World Health Organization it is estimated that worldwide one in 160 children has an ASD. This estimate represents an average figure, and reported prevalence varies substantially across studies. Some well-controlled studies have, however, reported figures that are substantially higher. The prevalence of ASD in many low- and middle-income countries is so far unknown.
The health-care needs of people with ASD are complex and require a range of integrated services, including health promotion, care, rehabilitation services, and collaboration with other sectors such as education, employment and social care.
ASDs may significantly limit the capacity of an individual to conduct daily activities and participate in society. ASDs often negatively influence the person’s educational and social attainments as well as employment opportunities.
NGO”Pirin Eagles” and the partnering organizations recognize the need to strengthen countries’ abilities to promote the optimal health and well-being of all persons with ASD and find better educational solutions to those persons.
Main objectives:
The main objective of our project is to develop a guideline and application for our target groups, containing concrete ideas, recommendation and examples of suitable educational activities for children with special needs and to improve the skills of the target groups in the field of integrating special need children into regular school activities.
Specific objectives of the project:
Improve the quality of health care services to the population with disabilities al local as well as at European Union level;
the teachers and educators of our organizations to be professionally educated and to increase their qualities as inclusive teachers;
increase their knowledge of students with disabilities, autism and other risk group of students involved in mainstream education, learn to assess the specifics of students with disabilities, autism and other risk group of students involved in mainstream education;
to learn with hands-on activities on how to conduct a preference assessment in order to identify students’ motivations and preferences;
to learn about the ABA method and learn strategies for dealing with challenging behavior in the classroom;
to learn strategies that use positive reinforcement to help successfully manage challenging behaviors not only for children with ASD but for the entire classroom;
to increase their awareness and acceptance of at-risk students (with socio-emotional problems, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, developmental disabilities, autism, etc.)
Spoštovani sledilci, starši, sodelavci!
Z velikim veseljem vas obveščam, da je naš projekt “Artemotion Xpress v Evropi” 2015-1-EL01-KA219-013904_1 (zaključili smo ga avgusta 2018) bil izbran kot “zgodba o uspehu” in primer dobre prakse. Izbrala ga je skupina strokovnjakov Generalnega direktorata za izobraževanje, mladino, šport in kulturo Evropske komisije v Bruslju.
Luca Perego namestnika vodje enote je izjavil: “Zgodbe o uspehu so dokončani projekti, ki se odlikujejo po svojem vplivu, prispevanju k oblikovanju politike, inovativnim rezultatom in / ali ustvarjalnemu pristopu in so lahko vir navdiha za druge. Projekt je bil izbran zato, saj je bila zgodba o uspehu narejena na podlagi strogih meril glede njene kakovosti, ustreznosti in rezultatov. Kot rezultat tega izbora bo projektu dodeljena prepoznavnost in priznanje, na naših spletnih straneh, družbenih medijih in pri pripravi dokumentacije za konference ali druge dogodke “.
Rada bi čestitala vsem učiteljem in učencem, ki so skupaj z našimi partnerji, ustvarjali to zgodbo o uspehu in primeru dobre prakse za navdihujoče timsko delo in naj bo ta uspeh pogum za novo inovativnost v prihodnjih projektov
Hvala vsem.
Tanja Nikolovski
koordinatorica Erasmus+ projektov
BLOG: https://ideatogetherwecan.blogspot.com/
TWINSPACE: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/70592/home